Health and Sports programmes

Health and sports programmes help EU countries respond effectively to economic and demographic challenges facing their social systems.

  Health programmes


Sweaty Hearts

A collaborative partnership to develop, implement and evaluate a model of long-term physical activity and behavioral change in CHD European patients


The SWEATY HEARTS project promotes voluntary activities in sport, together with social inclusion and awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity through increased participation in, and equal access to, sport for all in particular for cardiac patients. Project partners design programs where patients, organized in groups, follow active sessions of physical activity and educational sessions about healthy lifestyles. The integrated phase is followed by an independent phase where patients are still monitored and encouraged to continue with physical activity. Specific responsibilities of Dekut within the project:

- Providing software support for physical activity tracking of patients
- Preparation of the project Research Report
- Leader of WP4: Integrated approach sessions
- Hosting the kick-off meeting of the project in Budapest in February 2017

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  Health programmes



Youth Sport Development Ambassadors Project


This two year project focuses on peer led voluntary action in sport to promote social inclusion in sport for young people aged between 16 and 24. The focus will be on developing Youth

Sport Development Ambassadors (YSDAs) to develop projects with groups of young people from ethnic minority and migrant populations.

Dekut is responsible for all project activities in Hungary working closely with Hajduhadhaz based Fiksz Pont association.

Dekut is the leader of the Dissemination work package and also hosted the kick-off meeting of the project in Budapest in January 2017.

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  Budapest meeting


Take Heart

Physical activity in patients with CHD: a collaborative partnership to identify and share good practices among European countries


At systemic level, the project expects to contribute to the development of the European dimension in physical activity for all, in line with the general objective of the Programme in the sport field.

 From an individual's perspective, the project will engage patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and will motivate them to perform cardiac rehabilitation and to maintain an high adherence to physical activity programs and therefore to increased levels of participation in sport and physical activity.

Dekut is the leader of the Identification and analysis of good practices work package and is responsible for all project activities in Hungary.

Dekut also hosted the kick-off meeting of the project in Budapest in March 2015.

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  Health programmes



A European Network on cervical cancer surveillance and control in the new Member States

AURORAAURORA has been developed according to the priorities of the Call for Proposal 2009 – Public Health Programme aiming to promote the exchange of good practices on promotion of Cervical Cancer Screening in New Member States, and in particular regarding hard to reach populations.


Dekut was responsible for the coordination and execution of all project actions in Hungary. We also lead one of the key work packages: Identification and analysis of good practices.

For more information about the project (in 14 languages) please visit the official project website:

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  Health programmes